Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year A New Hobby

Well....can't say my life is dull.
I've travelled much of Europe and the world, had worked in several countries before returning back to my roots.
I want to remember things and seeing how I am hitting the big 3+0 soon, memory isn't what it used to be.
Don't believe in Facebook - think its the big brother of all that's controlling and evil.
So I've decided to start a blog - a diary of my life, of my journey and my thoughts

Its 2009, a brand new year.
Time for a brand new hobby.

Thanks to anyone who had decided to stop by.
I hope, above all, you'll find something to think about everything you stop by here


  1. Facebook is a big brother program unleased by an evil genius to keep tabs on people and their lives

    Run before it consumes you....!!!!!!
